Buy Cash Producing Equipment with Reward Dollars

Buying cash generating equipment with Reward Dollars is another way to bring Reward Dollars back to cash. One of our merchants recently bought a $5,000 color copier using Reward Dollars. He deducted the purchase price as a business expense, and now believes he will be able to earn the full price back in cash within a year by selling color copies for cash.

Another merchant, a paging company, buys pagers made by a Florida company at wholesale prices for Reward Dollars. The paging company marks up the prices, sells the pagers to its customers for cash, then earns cash for the monthly paging service as well. Meanwhile, the Reward Dollars they use to buy the pagers comes from a line of credit which they repay by selling another service for Reward Dollars to other merchants.

Buying more products and equipment are two ways to generate more cash by investing Reward Dollars in a business. A third way is to invest in what represents most businesses' most important asset - its employees.

Sales and production incentives can be purchased using Reward Dollars and tied to cash profits, either through more orders, or increased efficiency. Incentives can be either competitive or cooperative. Sales incentives are usually competitive, while production incentives are more frequently cooperative. In either case, desirable incentives such as travel, gifts, and dining are usually available for Reward Dollars.